Royal Guild - World of Shaiya

Welcome To The Royal Guild! ;3

#1 2012-12-22 19:44:25



From: Hungary
Registered: 2012-12-20
Posts: 5
Reputation :   

Drop list - always actual

Proelium Frontier [1-15]: The Operator's Exclusive, Black Stone; Proelium Ides: Cape lv15
Bambi [ 2x 4 sloted gears 1-15, Beast Ring/ sometimes 1-15 acc ]

[2o-3o]: The Operator's Exclusive, Jade Stone; Cantabilian Ides: 1-2x Holywater of Cantabilian
Baltic [ 2x 6 sloted gears 2o-3o, Beast Amulet / sometimes 2o-3o acc/cape ]
Mareira [ 2x 6 sloted gear 2o-3o, Beast Loop / sometimes 2o-3o acc/cape ]

D-Water Borderland [1-8o]: [Holy Relics] Heres, Inferus, Remition, Medius, Lucifera, Flagrans, Entis: 1-3x Holywater of Borderland
                                         D2: Kimuraku [1x lv8o gear, 1x flash lapis lv2, 1x sonic lapis lv2, 2x ele lapis lv1 ]
                                         Caelum Porta: Lapis's lv5, Greendieta Seraphim [1x Ele lv1, 2x lv6 lapis ]

Stable Erde [1-8o]:             Caelum Sacra: Flash/Sonic Lapis's Lv1;
                                         Dios [ 1x Chronis of Ele, 1x Chronis of Stats, 1x Absorb lapis Lv6 or Lv7, 1x lv7 lapis, 1x sonic lapis lv2 or lv3 ]

Kanos Illium [1-8o]:            Lumen, Ales, Secreta, Dentatus

Kalamus's House: The Operator's Exclusive

Oblivion Insula: FireWorks, Lapis's Lv6 / Lv7, Recreation Runes

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